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Vegan & Free Sugar Chocolate Macaroon


100 g ground almond

90 g icing baking (free sugar)

10 g cocoa powder

75 g aquafaba or chickpeas water

1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

70 g xylitol free sugar

Vegan Chocolate Ganache

60 g coconut cream

60 g vegan dark chocolate


Vegan Macaron Shells

Gather all of your ingredients before starting to make macarons. Measure out all ingredients. Line two baking sheets with silicon mats. And fit a large piping bag with a round tip. You want everything ready to go when you need it.

Sift almond flour, icing baking, and cocoa powder together. Set aside. place 75 grams of aquafaba in the bowl of a mixer with the cream of tartar. Whip for about 1 minute on low, or medium low if the low on your mixer is way too slow. (On my hand mixer I whip on low, but on my KitchenAid I whip on medium low)

At this point, raise speed to medium, and whip for another 2 minutes. Raise speed to high and start to add xylitol, slowly, a bit at a time. Continue to whip until the aquafaba achieves stiff peaks. The whole whipping, from beginning to end, should last about 10 minutes, but sometimes it may last longer. Make sure you have obtained stiff peaks, shooting straight up. Add sifted dry ingredients to whipped aquafaba. Start folding with a spatula slowly. Add food coloring at this point, if using any. Fold forming a letter J with the spatula

Fold until the batter is flowing slightly. You don’t want the batter to be flowing continuously off the spatula. When it comes to vegan macarons, the folding time is very very brief. You are basically just looking to incorporate the dry ingredients with the meringue.

Please watch the video to see what the consistency should look like. If you grab a spatula full of batter and hold it over the bowl, it should still be separating in chunks, and not flowing continuously on a ribbon. Do not get to the ribbons stage! If you get to the ribbon stage, the macaron feet will spread out in the oven. Transfer batter to the piping bag.

Pipe 1 1/2” circles on a baking sheet lined with silicone mat. I usually use 2 sheets. This will depend on how big you pipe your macarons

Slam the trays against the counter to release air bubbles.

Use a toothpick to pop any remaining bubbles.

Let the trays rest for 30-45 minutes until the shells are dry. Test this by touching a macaron gently with your finger. Depending on humidity levels and weather, it might take longer or less time for your macarons to dry. Pre-heat the oven to 285ºF.

Bake each tray separately.

Bake for a total of 20 minutes, or until the macarons are easily coming off the silicon mat. Remember to rotate the tray after the first 5 minutes baking, to ensure even distribution of heat, so the feet rise the same. Baking time might vary depending on your oven. Let the macarons cool down before filling

Vegan Dark Chocolate Ganache

Heat up the coconut cream until hot. Pour over the chocolate chips. Whisk until all chocolate chips have melted. If they aren’t melting, microwave it for just a few seconds and whisk again to ensure the ganache is smooth without any chocolate lumps in it.

Let the mixture cool down. Chill it in the fridge for about 30 minutes, so it gains a firm consistency that can be piped.

To assembly

Wait for the macarons to mature for 24-48 hours before serving them. And let them come to room temperature for 10 minutes before eating, for optimal results and enjoyment.


Store the macarons in the fridge for up to 1 week, or in the freezer for up to 2 months.

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