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Levain Starter


100g Plain Flour

100g Rye Flour

200g Water


Day 1

In a large mixing bowl at least twice the size of your mixture, combine 25g plain flour, 25g rye flour and 50g water and mix with a spatula until evenly combined.

Loosely cover with a dish towel or cheesecloth and leave at room temperature spot for 24 hours.

Day 2

Add another 25g plain flour, 25g rye flour and 50g water, mix with spatula to combine. Loosely cover and leave at room temperature for another 24 hours.

Day 3

Add another 50g plain flour, 50g rye flour and 100g water, mix with spatula to combine. Loosely cover and leave at room temperature for another 24 hours.

Day 4

Remove 20 percent of the levain mixture from the container and discard. Loosely cover and leave at room temperature for another 24 hours.

Day 5

Check if your levain is ready to use. It should be light, bubbly, and fluffy, and have a pronounced fermentation aroma without any acidity.

If it’s not quite there, “feed” the levain again each day with equal parts flour and water that’s equal to the weight of the levain, until it’s ready.

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